The 5:2 Change to Social Branding

Technology has drastically changed the way brands communicate with consumers and how consumers interact with brands. This should cause a shift in emphasis for your brand to move from a ‘static’ brand to a ‘social’ brand. Now, the larger proportion (5:2 ratio) of resources should focus on the social endeavours of your brand.

In prior eras of branding, brands would focus their attention on internal processes and would push out their messages and either have their customers accept or reject them, with no dialogue or listening taking place. In the latest era of ‘social branding’, where technology has created a huge amount of transparency for brands, control has shifted to the consumer. Brands are now shared with everyone. Brands now need to place the larger proportion of their time and resources listening to their customers, creating personalised experiences and ultimately being dynamic and proactive in approach. There is a need to think beyond the traditional, and start thinking ‘social’.

Here are some 7 top tips to help you on your way to becoming a Social Brand:

1. Build strong customer relationships by caring and sharing online

2. Use relevant and engaging content to capture customer attention

3. Create a consistent brand presence in all social spaces which is authentic, accurate and compelling

4. Empower your employees to build trust and advocacy in social media

5. Align internal and external goals for the company to ensure cohesive messaging

6. Don’t act like a salesman on social media, a hard sell is ineffective

7. Give the customer something worthwhile which they will seek out and share with others


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